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Maternal and Child Health Program

At Family Health Center, we want to provide you with all the services you will need to have a successful pregnancy.

We take care of your baby before s/he is born and after s/he is born. Building healthy families is our goal. As part of the Worcester Infant Mortality Reduction Task Force, we focus on providing you with have early and consistent pregnancy care.

Services Available

  • We have five bilingual case managers, who are happy to provide you with care from your child’s prenatal stages until age 2.
  • Pregnancy testing is done by the perinatal nurse who will discuss with you information about your pregnancy. She will make sure that there is nothing urgent to be addressed, make sure you have a prescription for prenatal vitamins and she will schedule an appointment for you with the OB Nurse Practitioner. She will also talk to you about some of the other services (shown below) provided for our moms-to-be.
  • We also provide labor and delivery support, and are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Also offered as social services programs to the expecting mother are depression screenings throughout the pregnancy, immunizations for the infant as well as a smoking cessation program if needed.

Primary Care: (508) 860-7700

Click here for locations and hours of operation.

Centering Pregnancy

Centering Pregnancy is a new way of delivering quality prenatal care by bringing women together in groups. The group medical visits provide strengths-based, interactive, prenatal care. Research has shown women in Centering Pregnancy groups experience fewer emergency room visits and premature deliveries, and they report knowing more and feeling more ready for labor and delivery.

Centering Pregnancy sessions are led by trained staff and medical providers who partner with patients to improve birth outcomes. During group visits, more time is spent in discussion so women learn from one another as well as from the clinician. Those who are least likely to ask questions, including many immigrants and refugees, are most likely to benefit from the group format. Within the relaxed, social environment of the group, providers have multiple opportunities to recognize and assess risk factors. Self care and risk reduction strategies are discussed at every visit. Nutrition is reviewed in the early sessions of the program and clients are screened for depression. Family Health Center offers Centering Pregnancy groups in English, Vietnamese, and Spanish. Interpretation is available in other languages upon request.

Services available include:

  • Group interaction and discussion
  • Clinician one-on-one time
  • Pre-natal care and education
  • Self-care education
  • Labor and delivery education
  • Risk reduction strategies
  • Nutrition education
  • Depression screening

Questions? Connect with our team by reaching out on our Contact Page.