Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Patient Rights
- Confidential treatment of all information about your care except as required by state law.
- Privacy during any interview, exam, or treatment.
- Refusal to be examined, observed, or treated by students or staff without affecting your access to care.
- Refusal to serve as a research subject.
- Access to your health record as prescribed by law and the Center’s policy.
- Privacy respecting the source of payment for care and detailed explanation of all charges.
- Assistance and information about any health center bills or costs for services, or financial assistance and free health care if you are eligible.
- Information about the relationship, if any, between the Center or its providers and any other health care facility or educational institution.
- A friend, relative, or advocate who can act on your behalf during your health center visits.
- Lifesaving treatment, even if you don’t have insurance or cannot pay.
- Information about all the ways breast cancer can be treated (if you have breast cancer).
- Assistance and information about emergency contraception (if you are a female rape victim).
- Full information about Health Center services and policies.
- Be treated with respect and dignity.
- Courteous, convenient communication.
- Information about the name and qualifications of the persons involved with your care.
- Convenient appointment times, prompt attention, and an explanation if you are kept waiting.
- Consultation from another provider, if desired.
- Freedom to choose your provider or facility to the extent we are able to accommodate that choice.
- Ability to take part in all decisions regarding your care, with explanations for examinations and tests.
- Evaluation and effective management of pain, including information about options for pain relief.
- An interpreter at no cost to you.
- Prompt response to any reasonable requests.
Patient Responsibilities
- Provide an accurate and complete health history.
- Your provider may base many of his/her
- recommendations on this information.
- Inform Family Health Center if health care instructions provided are not clear or easily understood.
- Bring necessary personal and health coverage
- information to every visit.
- Help Family Health Center to meet financial obligations by keeping health insurance up to date and by paying charges and co-payments promptly.
- Treat Family Health Center staff, other patients/
- visitors, facilities and their property with respect and dignity.
- Follow the rules and regulations of the Health Center.