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Worcester Health Care for the Homeless

Family Health Center of Worcester serves both homeless families and homeless individuals living in Worcester County.

Worcester Health Care for the Homeless

Located at 199 Chandler Street in Worcester, Worcester Health Care for the Homeless (WHCH) provides a comprehensive array of services to homeless individuals including medical screenings and primary care medical services, behavioral health counseling, substance use disorder treatment, health benefits advising, and navigation and linkage to other support services. Patients can walk in for services or be referred to the program by a shelter.


WHCH: (508) 860-7888

Health Care for Homeless Families Program

Located at 26 Queen Street in Worcester, Family Health Center of Worcester’s Health Care for Homeless Families Program works in partnership with the families who are moving among family and friends, living in shelters, out of their car, on the street, or in unstable housing to keep their families healthy or meet their family’s healthcare needs. Patients can walk in for services or be referred to the program by a family shelter.

Homelessness is stressful on families. Many times, language and cultural barriers, past experiences of trauma and violence, and untreated mental health and substance use issues can make it even more difficult. The challenges of homelessness often include poor physical and mental health, lack access to healthcare, health insurance issues, limited financial resources, and feeling alone.

Family Health Center of Worcester provides trauma-informed healthcare and navigation to wraparound services so that individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness can address any medical and behavioral health needs that might be preventing them from maintaining stable housing and achieving self-sufficiency.

As with all programs at Family Health Center of Worcester, services are available to all, regardless of ability to pay.

Health Care for Homeless Families: (508) 860-7930

Click here for locations and hours of operation.

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